The Temple Vail
Behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom;
and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split.
Matthew 27:51
In the Old Testament, there are many pictures, types, or objects that point ahead to truths more fully revealed in the New Testament. For instance, we know that the Bronze Serpent of Numbers 21 was a type of the Lord Jesus (John 3:14). We also know that the Manna of Exodus 16 was also a type or a picture of Jesus Christ (John 6:31-35); And many more.
However, of all the types in the Old Testament, none is more rich in its symbolism than the Tabernacle. From one end to the other, the Tabernacle is a picture of the Lord Jesus and of the redemption believers enjoy in Him. That ancient structure, that measured 14 meters long and 5 meters high, is an amazing portrait of God’s grace, His salvation and His efforts to redeem a fallen race of people. Inside the Tabernacle were two rooms, the holy place and the Holy of Holies. The Holy Place measured 10 meters long, 5 meters wide and 5 high. Between these two rooms stood the veil.
The veil that hung in the ancient Tabernacle of Israel contains a great message for those who will take the time to study it. This veil is a wonderful picture of Jesus Christ. In fact, it is specifically a picture of the Lord Jesus and His work while He was here in His flesh. In Hebrews. 10:20 the Bible says “By a new and living way, which He has consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, His flesh.”
When Jesus came in the flesh and gave His life for you and me, He forever tore down that middle wall of partition. He broke down all the barriers that stood between us and free access to the Father.
Now, in Jesus, we can come before OUR Father at any time! What a glorious privilege is our! And, it is given to us because Jesus became the veil and was rent on Calvary so that we might be reconciled with God!
Bible Reading
Exodus 26:31-33; Matthew 27:51.
Lord God, I thank You that the whole Bible speaks of Your Son, and His work on the cross. It truly is “Christ in all the Scriptures.” Amen.