The Miracle of Life
The heavens declare the glory of God.
Psalm 19:1
There is a language in nature that speaks of the existence of God. It is the language of order, beauty, perfection, and intelligence. Some time ago, an Oxford University scientist told me that when he gave serious thought to the majestic order of the universe and its obedience to unchanging law, he could not help but believe in God. He had become aware that God was speaking through nature.
God speaks in the certainty and regularity of the seasons; in the precision of the movements of the sun, the moon, and the stars; in the regular coming of night and day; in the balance between man’s consumption of life-giving oxygen and its production by the plant life of the earth; and even in the cry of a newborn child with its ever-new dimension of the miracle of life.
Bible Reading
Job 12:7-9.
Thank You, Lord God, that all creation declares Your glory. All Creation declares Your awesome power. Thank You for this day, another day of Your creation. In Christ's name. Amen.