The Cross
God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Galatians 6:14

What is the cross of Jesus Christ to you? Is it merely a piece of jewellery? Is it just a religious symbol? Is it a charm you hang over your bed to keep the devil away? Is it pure foolishness? Or, is the cross the “power of God unto salvation”? If you listen to the message of the cross, you will find that salvation is still available. You will find that God can still save souls; changes eternal destinies and transform sinners into saints of God.
Today would be a good day for you to heed and respond to the message of the Cross! Are you ready?
Bible Reading
Mark 15:20-39.
Lord Jesus, I thank You for the old rugged cross, I thank You for Your blood that was shed there for the sins of the world. Thank You that there still salvation today for all who come to You at the cross. Amen.