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20th January 2025


And He said to me, “Son of man, can these bones live again?”

Ezekiel 37.3

Today's Bible Reading: Ezekiel 37:1-28.

When God asked whether the dry bones in the valley could live again, Ezekiel was caught off guard. It certainly did not look like they could be part of living, breathing human beings again. So the prophet responded with the only truth his mind understood. “O Sovereign Lord,” (he) replied, “you alone know the answer to that

In the midst of their captivity, God’s people probable felt that they would never get out of the hole their sins had dug for them. Babylon seemed unconquerable, and hope was gone. And so God sent a word through Ezekiel, likening Israel to the dry bones in the valley. Although they believed that hope was lost, God would pour out His Spirit on them and bring deliverance from captivity. Instead of being cut off, they would stand again as a strong as great army, just as the dry bones did (Ezekiel 37:10-14).

Like Israel, we can lose sight of hope in the midst of challenging or difficult situations. But since nothing is impossible with God, it means that there is always hope. No matter where you are today, what hurt or disappointment you are dealing with, hear these words that God shared with ancient Israel: “O my people, you shall know that I am the Lord. I will put my Spirit in you, and you shall live again” (Ezekiel 37:13-14).

Hope and life spring from God! 


Lord, grant me humility and sensitivity to listen to advice from loved ones who know You. Show me the right thing to do in my uncertain times and to trust You for the results. In Jesus name, I ask. Amen. Amen.



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