Passing Through The Waters

When you pass through the waters,
I will be with you . . .
Isaiah 43:2
Today's Bible Reading: Isaiah 43:1-7.
The prophet Isaiah's words, about passing through waters, had a very special meaning for the people of Israel. When they fled from Egypt, they came to the impassable Red Sea, and it seemed they would be trapped by the pursuing Pharaoh and his army. But God miraculously opened a way so that they could cross on dry land (Exodus 14). Later, they also crossed the Jordan River on dry ground to enter the promised land (Joshua 3-4). So the idea of passing through waters became an expression, meaning that God would watch over them through all kinds of adversity.
As the nation of Israel “pass through the waters,” they were not alone, they passed through the waters in the full knowledge that Jehovah God, was with them.
If you are passing through troubled waters today, know that the Lord is with you. Call on Him and make your request before His throne of grace, and know that the Lord is with you, and that your name is known by Him (v 1).
All of us can trust God in the storms and challenges of life. He is right there with us.
Great Jehovah , grant Your mercy in the lives of everyone facing challenges. As You promise, be with us all as we “pass through the waters” of life. In Christ name. Amen.