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21st November 2024

Eyes Wide Open

Their eyes were restrained, so that they did not know Him.


Luke 24:16   

Ever since I was a child, my favourite part of the Easter message, has been “The Road to Emmaus.” There we find two of the disciples, on Easter Day, walking and talking about the things that had happened in Jerusalem (v 15). Whilst they are talking, the Lord Jesus joins them, but “Their eyes were restrained, so that they did not know Him” (v 16). In this verse, we see a powerful truth about spiritual blindness. The disciples on the road to Emmaus were in spiritual darkness, unable to recognise the Lord, even though He was physically with them. This reflects the state of all humanity—we are all spiritually blind and dead in our sins. We cannot respond to the Gospel or be saved unless God makes Himself known to us.

Unless God opens our eyes, we cannot see spiritual truths or understand the Gospel. Just as the disciples could not see Christ until He revealed Himself (v 30). We are powerless to grasp the reality of salvation on our own. It is only by God’s grace that our eyes are opened, allowing us to understand His Word, recognise Christ, and respond in faith. This passage reminds us that spiritual awakening is solely a work of God, not something we achieve by our own effort. Without His intervention, we remain blind to the truth of the Gospel.

Bible Reading

 Luke 24:28-35.


Heavenly Father, thank You for opening my eyes to see Your truth. I was once blind, but by Your grace, You have revealed the light of the Gospel to me. In Jesus name, Amen.



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