Are You Ready ?

“Here am I! Send me.”
Isaiah 6:8
Many people start their working day at a time clock machine, sometimes known as a clock card machine or punch clock or time recorder. A “time clock machine” is a device that records the start and end times for employees at a place of business. When an employee punches their card into the machine, they are saying “Here I am.” This thought got me thinking of six prominent men in the Bible who “punched in” and made themselves available to God.
First: There was Abraham (Genesis 22:1). God told Abraham that he should make a sacrifice. When Abraham stepped into his roll to be the father of the nation of Israel and the father of all who would inherit eternal life, he followed through on his response to God in this verse and story. Abraham says it again in Genesis 22:11 when the Angel of the Lord stops him from slaying Isaac.
Second: There was Jacob (Genesis 31:11). When God appeared to Jacob in a dream, Jacob said, “Here I am.” He went on to leave Laban and begin the nation that would be named after him, Israel. In the later part of Jacob’s life, when God told him to move to Egypt in Genesis 46:2, Jacob said it again. God saved the nation through Joseph when Jacob moved his entire family to Egypt to survive the famine.
Third: Moses (Exodus 3:4). When Moses heard God call to him from the burning bush, he responded, “Here I am.” This action begins the Exodus of the Jewish people from Egypt.
Fourth: Samuel (1 Samuel 3:4). The Lord called to Samuel as a child, while he was living with Eli the priest. Samuel said (several times that night God called ), “Here I am.” Samuel was called while very young and was used by God in many ways, including to anoint both Saul and David, the first kings of Israel.
Fifth: Isaiah (Isaiah 6:8) This is the beginning of God’s commission to Isaiah. He went on to become a great prophet, telling in advance many of the things that were true of the Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ, when He came to earth to save us. Isaiah was used greatly by God, and the book of Isaiah is often called “The Gospel in the Old Testament.”
Sixth: Ananias (Acts 9:10). This is the only occurrence of someone responding to God with “Here I am” recorded using this language in the New Testament. God used Ananias to help Paul after his conversion. At the time of Paul’s salvation, he had been terrorising the Jews converts because of their faith in the Lord Jesus. Ananias needed great courage to present himself to Saul and lay hands on him to make him a part of the body of Christ.
How do we react, knowing that God has called us to action?
Bible Reading
1 Samuel 3
Father God, Help me to start each day with ““Here I am, Lord.” Use me in Your service I pray. In Christ's name. Amen.