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24th November 2023


I will praise the Lord.

Psalm 146:2

Psalm 146 does not include a superscription, which means we do not have information about the author’s identity or the circumstances surrounding the song’s composition. What we do know, however, is how Psalm 146 was viewed by the religious community. While many scholars believe Psalm 1 was intentionally written to open the book of Psalms, Psalms 145–150 were praise songs selected to close the Hebrew hymnal. This closing flourish of praise has been called “the endless hallelujah.”

In This psalm, the psalmist took opportunities to sing. He sang when the days were good, and when they were not so good. The songs were not forced or force, but a natural response to the “Maker of heaven and earth” (146:6) and how He “gives food to the hungry” (v 7) and “gives sight to the blind” (v 8) and “sustains the fatherless and the widow” (v 9). This is really a lifestyle of singing, one that builds strength over time as daily trust is placed in “the God of Jacob” who “remains faithful forever” (v 5–6).

The quality of our voices is not the point, but our response to God’s sustaining goodness, a lifestyle of praise. As the old hymn puts it: “There’s within my heart a melody.”

Bible Reading

Psalm 146.


You, Father God, are worthy of praise. At Your command, the sun rose this morning, and will set this evening. All things are subject to Your authority. I praise You and bless You, my Lord and my God. Amen.



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