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25th May 2024

The True Manna From Heaven

Moses said to them,“This is the bread which the Lord has given you to eat.


Exodus 16:15

As the children of Israel journeyed from Egypt toward Canaan, they surely had many needs. There were, by some estimates, about two million of them! They needed massive amounts of food and water. Both of these needs were met by the supernatural power of God. This passage gives us some insight into the food they ate as they journeyed.

The Manna that fell in the wilderness was a great blessing to the people of Israel. It fed them in that harsh land for forty years. God used it to sustain them, strengthen them and to supply them until they arrived in Canaan. The Manna was given to them to feed their fleshly bodies. The Manna also serves to teach us spiritual truth.

When the Lord Jesus lived on this earth, the Jews challenged Him to prove to them that He was Who He claimed to be. They suggested that if He had really been sent by God He would give them Manna from Heaven to eat, like Moses had given their forefathers, John 6:31. In response, Jesus told them that God, not Moses, had given their fathers bread in the wilderness. He also told them that the Manna served an even greater purpose than that of feeding a people long dead. He told them that the Manna represented Him. Jesus claimed that He was the Bread of Life, John 6:32-35; 48; 51. Jesus identifies Himself with the ancient Manna that fed Israel.

Have you ever tasted that Heavenly Bread? Have you been saved by the grace of God? If not, you can be, if the Lord is calling you. V 7 tells us that the Manna was sent to reveal God’s glory. God receives more glory from saving an old sinner than from anything else in this world. If you have never done so before, why not give Him glory and come to Him today?

Bible Reading

Exodus 16:11-15.


Great Jehovah God, Thank You, for the Bread of Heaven, the Lord Jesus Christ, my Saviour. Amen.



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