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25th October 2023

Eternity in the Heart

He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end.

Ecclesiastes 3:11

The first eight verses of Ecclesiastes 3state a familiar, natural rhythm of the activities of life with some arbitrary choices. No matter what stage of life we find ourselves in, it’s often difficult to find time to do everything we want to do. And to make wise decisions about managing our time, it’s helpful to have a plan (Psalm 90:12).

Time spent with God each day is a priority for our spiritual health. Doing productive work is satisfying to our spirit (Ecclesiastes 3:13). Serving God and helping other people in and outside the Church is essential to fulfilling God’s purpose for us (Ecclesiastes 2:10). And times of rest or leisure aren’t wasted but refreshing for body and spirit.

Of course, it is easy to become too focused on the here and now, always finding time for the things that matter most to us. But Ecclesiastes 3:11 says “set eternity” in our hearts, reminding us to make a priority of things that are eternal. That can bring us face to face with something of the greatest importance; God’s eternal perspective “from beginning to end.”

Bible Reading

Ecclesiastes 3:1-13.


Lord Jesus, give me a glimpse of Your eternal perspective and help me to search for the right balance of time that better fulfils Your purpose. Amen.



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