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29th November 2022

The Sin Problem

Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, Whose sin is covered.

Psalm 32:1

Psalm 32 is one of seven penitential psalms (also Psalm 6; 51; 102; 130;143), so-named because they contain confession of sins and a plea for God’s mercy and forgiveness. David wrote Psalm 32 after he committed adultery with Bathsheba. For about a year afterwards, he refused to repent of his sins of covetousness, adultery, deceit, bearing false testimony, and murder. Then the prophet Nathan visited David and confronted him (2 Samuel 11-12).

In Psalm 32 David speaks of the heavy burden of guilt he experienced when he denied his sins (v 3-4) and the joy of receiving God’s forgiveness when he confessed and repented (v 5) and became receptive to God’s rule in his life (v7-11). David contrasts the blessedness of repentance (v 1-2) with the anguish of refusing to confess his sin (v 3-5).

I want to finish today's devotion by looking more closely and David's confession in verse 3.

In my (NKJV) Bible, David uses three words to describe the mess he had got himself into. These three words describe sin in all of its grossness and ugliness.

The first word David used to describe his sin was the word Sins. This refers to Man's Deviation. The word means "to miss the mark." It is an archery term that refers to an arrow missing the target, Rom 3:23. Who among us would not have to admit that we are guilty of missing the mark of God's holiness?

The second word David uses is the word Transgression. This refers to Man's Defiance. It means "to step over the boundaries". We commit transgressions when we know something is wrong, and we do it anyway.

The third word used by David is the word Iniquity. This word speaks of Man's Distortion - This word means "crookedness, or that which is bent." It refers to the natural bent in man toward evil!

Whatever the sin, or sins, in your life may be, the Lord wants you to be honest about it and cast that thing down before Him. Until we are willing to do that, we will never experience His forgiveness and His bless in our life.


Psalm 32:1-5.


Merciful Lord God, Cleanse me this day from my sins; from everything that would spoil my walk and relationship with You, In Jesus name I pray. Amen.



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