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2nd July 2024

The Passover Picture

. . . Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us.

1 Corinthians 5:7

In the Old Testament Passover, we have a wonderful picture of the Lord Jesus and His work on the cross.

The day of Israel’s first Passover was full of excitement and mystery for the Hebrew boys and girls. They saw their fathers roast lambs over an open fire. They watched them sprinkle blood from the lambs on the sides and tops of the door frames of their houses. They listened with wide-eyed wonder as their fathers told them that an angel of death would kill the firstborn in every house that was not marked by the blood.

In the evening, wearing their sandals and dressed for immediate departure, family members gathered in groups just large enough to consume a whole lamb. They ate the Passover meal, which included bitter herbs and bread made without yeast. After midnight, they gathered up their possessions and left the land of Egypt to begin a new way of life as a free people.

Israel’s slavery in Egypt pictures for us as believers in Christ the bondage to sin from which we have been delivered. The slaughtered lamb points to Jesus Christ, “our Passover, (who) was sacrificed for us” (1 Cor. 5:7). The sprinkling of the blood speaks of the act of faith by which we receive salvation.

Have you experienced the joy of salvation that comes to those who put their trust in the Lamb of God?

Bible Reading

Exodus 12:1-20.


My God and my Father, Thank You for the True Passover Lamb, the Lord Jesus Christ Your Son. Amen.



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