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2nd March 2023

The scepter

The scepter shall not depart from Judah, . . . Genesis 49:10

God works out His plans, but they are often mysterious to us. Consider the case of Judah, Jacob’s son. Jacob’s blessing of favour was not to Reuben, his firstborn, or to the next two eldest sons, Simeon and Levi. The blessing of kingship went to Judah.

Jacob predicted that his other sons would bow before Judah. To him would belong “the scepter,” a symbol of kingship. This scepter would be passed down continually through his descendants. How could that ever happen?

Jacob’s prophecy began to be fulfilled when David, the shepherd boy from Bethlehem in the land of Judah, was chosen by God to rule God’s people (1 Samuel 16; Psalm 78:67-72). He led them with a heart of integrity and with skill. Yet we know that despite David’s kingship, the people were seldom faithful to the Lord. They needed a new and better king.

God continued to work out His plan, which would eventually bring His own Son, the Lord Jesus, to be born in Bethlehem, the city of David. When the Lord came, He came to give up His own life, to pay for all our sins, and to rise again so that we can have new life with God. That is why Jesus, the Lion of the tribe of Judah (Revelations 5:5), is the one who holds the scepter as King of kings. Furthermore, He declares boldly, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me” (Matthew 28:18).


Genesis 49:8-10.


Thank you, Father God, that You are always faithfully at work in my life even if I do not understand. Empower me daily, by Your Holy Spirit, to put my trust in the Lord Jesus, the Lion and the Lamb, my Saviour, Lord, and King. Amen.



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