
[ I ] will forgive their sin and heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14
Today's Bible text, has been used more then any other verse to preach about revival. That is because it is a revival verse. The verse is addressed: "My people, called by My Name!" God is speaking to people who have identified themselves with Him and His work. He is speaking to people that we would call saved.
This verse was given to Solomon at the dedication of the Temple. God had warned the people that their disobedience to His Word and commands would bring with it dire consequences (v 13), for their land. Then, He sets forth the conditions necessary to reverse His judgment and bring revival.
Before revival can be a reality, the people of God must meet the four demands mentioned in 2 Chronicles 7:14. Meeting these four demands does not guarantee that revival will happen, but it does create an atmosphere in which it becomes possible and far more likely.
First: Humility - This word has the idea of being "under another". One of the things God's people must do is remember Who is Lord! When we humble ourselves to the Lord, we are acknowledging His Lordship and headship in our lives.
Second: Prayer - This word means just what it says - pray! It is, in essence, humility in action. The praying person sees his own inability and recognises God's ability. Prayer is an essential ingredient in the mystery of revival!
Third: Devotion - The requirement is that of "seeking His face". This word means to "desire something". This idea here is that we come to the place where God is the number one priority and desire of our heart!
Fourth: Repentance - The phrase "turn from their wicked ways" is self-explanatory! God wants His people to stop their sinning! We are to examine our lives, identify anything that does not please the Lord. It sounds harder than it is, because as we humble ourselves, pray and seek His face, our sin will become increasingly clear.
The key word in this verse is the word "If". Everything stands on us being where God desires for us to abide in. If we meet His requirements, we can be sure that God will move. Revival will happen to us as individuals "if". . .
Bible Reading
2 Chronicles 7:12-22.
Lord God, send revival in Your Church, and an awakening in the lands. But start with me, Father God. In Jesus name. Amen.