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5th August 2024

The Gospel In A Nutshell

Whoever believes in Him (Jesus) should not perish, but have eternal life.

John 3:15

Do you believe in Jesus Christ and trust in Him alone for your salvation?

The Bible’s best-known verses (sometimes called “the Gospel in a nutshell:” Is John 3:16, the Bible says, For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

But what does it mean to trust in the Lord Jesus? Let me explain it by using an illustration. Suppose you were hiking one day and came to a raging river. How could you get across? At first, it looked hopeless; it was too deep to wade across, and you could not swim across because of the strong current.

But suppose you saw a bridge going from one side to the other. Not only did it appear sturdy, but you noticed others were using it. How would you reach the other side? First, you would believe the bridge could hold you. But second, you would actually trust it, by putting your weight on it and committing/trust your life to it.

In a far deeper way, this is what it means to trust in the Lord Jesus. First, you believe in Him—that is, you believe He is the Son of God who gave His life to pay the penalty for your sins. But second, you actually trust Him—that is, you commit your life to Him and trust Him to save you.

If you have never trust on the Lord Jesus for your salvation; Do not delay any longer, but put your faith and trust in Christ today.

Bible Reading

John 3:15-18.


Father God, Thank You for the Lord Jesus Your Son. Thank You that He came to earth for sinners like me. I bless You, in Jesus name. Amen.



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