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5th November 2023

The Way of Cain

Woe to them! For they have gone in the way of Cain . . .

Jude 1:11

The Book of Genesis is a book of beginnings. Genesis records the beginning of the universe, the world, the sun, moon, and stars, animal life, plant life, and human life, along with many other important things.

In the first eleven chapters of Genesis, many “first” things appear. The first man, the first woman, the first command from God, the first marriage, the first home, the first sin, the first death, the first sacrifice, the first worship, the first murder, the first curse, and so on. In Genesis 4:1-13, the Bible give us a glimpse inside the world’s first family. Cain and Abel, the sons of Adam and Eve, are the focus of the verses before us today.

While there are a great many truths in this passage, one stands higher than the others. In the life of Cain, we see a portrait of every lost sinner who has ever lived. Cain is the archetype, the prototype, and the serotype of every sinner who would follow him into this world. When we look at Cain, we see the embodiment of Proverbs 16:15, which says, “There is a way that seems right unto a man, but the end thereof is the way of death.”

Genesis 4:1-13, describes the life of Cain perfectly. It also describes the lives of all those who live, not by faith, but who walk after the flesh. It is a lifestyle the Bible calls, “the way of Cain” (Jude v 11).

As you read Gen 4, I would ask you to examine your heart, and to ask yourself If you see these characteristics in your life. If you do, it indicates that you need to be saved. I would encourage you to believe the Gospel, and to look to Christ for salvation.

Bible Reading

Genesis 4:1-13.


Great God of Light and Hope, Help me to walk in the light of the Lord Jesus. Keep me from the ways of Cain, I pray this day. In Jesus name. Amen.



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