Serving God
Naaman was also a mighty man of valour, but a leper
2 Kings 5:1
As ancient Syria’s mightiest military commander, General Naaman had all the benefits the empire could offer: influence, affluence, and power. All, that is, except for health! Naaman was a leper (2 Kings 5:1-3).
In contrast, the servant girl in the general’s household had no options or power at all. As a captive from an army raid, she had been forced into a lifetime of slavery (v 2). But she did not permit herself to be overcome by despair and bitterness or ill will. Rather, she rose above her no-option estate to serve wholeheartedly the best interests of her master.
This servant girl did not see her master’s leprosy as God’s punishment but as an opportunity to point Naaman to God’s prophet in Samaria (v 3). Her recommendation led to Naaman’s complete healing. He declared, “Now I know that there is no God in all the earth, except in Israel” (v15).
Today, many people have abundant options. Others, however, have their choices curtailed by poverty, poor health, or other adverse circumstances. When a crisis comes, even their limited options evaporate.
Yet one choice always remains. Like Naaman’s servant girl, we can still choose to serve God and point others to Him, regardless of our limited circumstances.
Bible Reading
1 Kings 5:1-15.
Help my Father God, to serve You faithfully every day. In Christ's name I ask. Amen.