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11th March 2023

Crucify Him

They shouted, Crucify Him! Crucify Him!

Luke 23:21

On the cross, Jesus Christ paid the ultimate price when He suffered and died, having taken upon Himself the sin of the world and all of its horrible consequences.

We all know that the Lord was crucified. But since nobody is crucified today, few of us realize just how painful and gruesome crucifixion really was. The Two thousand years that have passed since the Lord was crucified have sanitised it. For example, if you do an image search on Google for crucifixion, most of the images of the Lord on the cross are pretty clean. It looks like He stepped out of a shower, climbed up on the cross, and had some nails hammered through His hands and feet…which hardly bled at all.

But in reality, before the Lord even got to the cross, He had been badly beaten, battered and whipped, and He's body was covered in blood, from top to bottom.

He would have been tried and exhausted from having carried His cross through the streets of Jerusalem until He could carry it no more.

Then He would have been nailed to the cross, painful in itself. The cross would then have been lifted up and placed in position. Every movement the Lord made, would have been excruciating, absolute pain. Every breath He took would have been agony for Him.

Why did He do it? He did it for one reason: because He loves us. We do not deserve it, but He loves us anyway. In 1 John 4:10 The Bible says, “This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.

I wonder: Have you responded to His love by giving your life to Him?


Luke 23: 18-25.


Lord of all Creation, and the Father of all mankind, Father of the Lord Jesus Christ. With a grateful heart this day, I thank You for my Saviour, and for all He suffered for me. Thank You Father, for the depths of Your love that drew salvations plan. Amen.



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