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Longing For Heaven

For our citizenship is in heaven,

from which we also eagerly wait for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ,

Romans 8 35

If Christians never yearn for Heaven, it may mean we have become too satisfied or too preoccupied with our lives right now! It’s easy to become so overwhelmed with our problems that we focus only on what is happening to us at the moment. But whatever we experience in this life should cause us to look to the Lord for peace and comfort, because He will provide it to those who follow Him. The Lord is with us through our sufferings, and He awaits us as we emerge on the other side of the tunnel of testing—into the light of His glorious presence to live with Him forever.

For those who trust in Christ, Heaven is our true home, and many times we grow homesick for Heaven, especially in the midst of the sin, sufferings, and sorrows of this life. A tug at our souls for Heaven is homesickness coupled with anticipation. It might be in God’s sovereignty that He allows our eyesight to cast a dim view of the “here and now” so that we may focus our spiritual eyes on the “ever-after.”

Paul, the apostle, knew what it was to suffer, and he discovered this truth in his own life: “For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal (2 Corinthians 4:18). We should not allow the burdens and hardships of this life to distract or discourage us. We must keep our eyes firmly fixed on what God has promised at the end of the journey: Heaven itself.

Bible Reading

2 Corinthians 4:16-18.


Father God, Thank You, for Heaven, the Christian's Home. I am so very thankful, that my place there has not been earned by me, but by the Work of Christ on the cross for me. In His wonderful name, I thank You. Amen.

Peace In Death

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?

Romans 8 35

If your faith and trust, is in the Lord Jesus, then you can say with the Apostle Paul, I am convinced that neither death nor life… nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord(Romans 8:38-39).

You see, you and I were not meant for this life alone. We were meant for eternity, and that is why death is not the end. Instead, we will live on, either with God in the joy and peace of Heaven, or separated from God and utterly without hope in the place the Bible calls Hell. Tragically, however, we do not deserve to go to Heaven, because we have all sinned and turned our backs on God. Why should we want to be with Him in eternity, when we do not want anything to do with Him now?

But God loves us, more than anything else in all creation. He yearns for us to be with Him forever; And He has made this possible by the sending of His only Son, Jesus Christ, into the world. By His death on the cross, Christ took upon Himself the judgement we each deserve, and by His resurrection He has opened the door to eternal life.

Today, there is away back to God from the dark path of sin; And that Way is the Lord Jesus, and the journey begins at the cross.

If you belong to Christ today, nothing, absolutely nothing can separate you from the love of God; Indeed, you are going to spend eternity with Him; In Heaven! That is why we Christians can have perfect peace, even in death, because nothing will separate us from our God.

Bible Reading

Romans 8:31-39


Lord God, with a grateful heart I thank You that You have created me for eternity. Thank You, that when I was lost on the dark path of sin, You sent the Lord Jesus to save me and reunites me with You. In Christ's name I bless You. Amen.

Three F's

And he (Abram) believed in the Lord, and He accounted it to him for righteousness.

Genesis 15:6

In today's Bible reading, Abram hears the "word of the LORD" and it changed his life. In Abram's day, he was just one insignificant person among millions of other people, but God had a special plan for his life. To God, Abram was of supreme importance. In Genesis 15, Abram receives a word from the Lord concerning his Fear, his Future and his Faith. What he heard changed his whole life forever. He received a word from the Lord and it revolutionised his life in thee ways.

FEAR: Abram had just returned from a great military victory (Gen 14). During the course of the campaign, he had made a bitter enemy in king Chedorlaomer. This king was mighty enough to come against Sodom and the cities of the plain, surely Abram felt that he too was in danger of attack from this king from the East. But God had a word to comfort him in his fear. God tells Abram (v 1) “Fear not.” This is the first time the phrase "fear not" is used in the Bible. But, thank God, it was not the last! Men may encourage us to walk in peace and fear not, but their words are empty and without power. However, when the Lord comes by and speaks peace to your heart, fear must take flight!

FUTURE: In these verse, Abram is concerned and burdened about all the promises he has received. His questions are not of doubt, but they are honest questions. Abram knew where to take his burden and, as a result, he received the answers he sought! In verse 5, the Bible says, Then He brought him outside and said, “Look now toward heaven, and count the stars if you are able to number them.” And He said to him, “So shall your descendants be. God's answer brought hope to the old Abram's heart once again.

FAITH: Notice v 6: "And he (Abram) believed in the Lord." This is one of the simplest, yet greatest verses in all the Bible. It tells us all about Abram's faith. The little word "in" tells us everything. Abram has moved beyond hearing the Word of the Lord and believing the promises of God into the realm of casting himself totally in faith upon the Lord Himself.

What it teaches us about his faith should be true about our own faith too.

Bible Reading

Genesis 15:1-6.


Dear Father, and promise keeper, Thank you that Abraham's faith is held up for us to see in Your Word. Help me to trust in your promises with a faith as great as Abraham's. In the name of Jesus I offer myself and my faith to you. Amen.

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