God's Invitation
Jesus Said: “Come, Follow Me.”
Matthew 4:19
Today's Bible Reading: Numbers 10:29-32.
The Bible is a book of invitations. All through the pages of this great Book, God is continually inviting people to join Him in where He is going and in what He is doing. What a wonderful blessing to think that God would invite us to join Him; indeed, a blessing too great for words!
In today's Bible reading, Moses is talking to a man named Hobab. There is some dispute over just who this man is. Some think he is the brother-in-law of Moses. Others think Hobab is another name for Jethro, the father-in-law of Moses. I lean toward the latter interpretation because of Judges 4:11. In that verse, Hobab is called “the father-in-law of Moses.” And again in today's verses, in verse 1, the Bible says: Now Moses said to Hobab the son of Reuel the Midianite, Moses’ father-in-law, . . .
We know from Exodus 18 that Jethro had visited Moses and the children of Israel. He had been a blessing and he had received a blessing. He had also given Moses a great piece of wisdom concerning how he was leading the people of Israel.
In this passage, Israel is leaving their encampment at the foot of Mount Sinai. While they were there, they received the Law, built the Tabernacle and learned how to worship the Lord God. Now, they are breaking camp and heading toward Canaan. Before they leave, Moses takes the time to invite Jethro (Hobab), to go with them to their destination.
When Hobab heard the invitation, his first response was to say “No”, v 30. But, we find that he changed his mind and went, Judges 1:16; 4:11. So, Hobab accepted the invitation. He was blessed along with Israel, just as Moses promised him he would be.
Now, here is your invitation today, “Come to the Lord Jesus!” Come to the Lord and be saved.
My God and Father, that You for that wonderful invitation You have give me, to follow You. Thank You for that day when I first believed. Thank for my Saviour, Jesus. Amen.