Words To Count On

Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of Hosts . . .
Zechariah 4:6
After the crucifixion, the beleaguered disciples despaired and said, “We had hoped that He was the one to redeem Israel” (Luke 24:21). There was anguish, despair, and tragedy in their midst. Life had lost its meaning, purpose and hope. But when the resurrection became apparent, life took on a new meaning. It had purpose, reason, and hope again.
David Livingstone, the Scottish physician, Congregationalist, and pioneer Christian missionary with the London Missionary Society, an explorer in Africa, and one of the most popular British heroes of the late 19th-century (Victorian era), once addressed a group of students at Glasgow University. When he rose to speak, he bore on his body the marks of his African struggles. Several illnesses on nearly 30 occasions had left him gaunt and haggard. His left arm, crushed by a lion, hung limp by his side. After describing his trials and tribulations, he said, “Would you like to have me tell you what supported me through all the years of exile among people whose language I could not understand, and whose attitude toward me was always uncertain and often hostile? It was this, ‘Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.’ On these words I staked everything, and they never failed.”
Bible Reading
Zechariah 4
I am never alone because of Your love. Thank You, my Lord God and Saviour. Amen.