The Chemistry of The Cross

We know that all things work together for good to those who love God,
to those who are the called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28
Our text today, is a very special verse for all believers. It begins with the statement: “We know.” This is an ironclad promise from Almighty God Himself. “And we know that all things work together for good:” God’s sovereignty and ability to manage every aspect of our lives is demonstrated in the fact that “all things work together for good to those who love God,” though we must face the sufferings of this present time. God is able to make even those sufferings work together for our good and His good.
It used to be the way many years ago, that when you went to the local pharmacy, the Pharmacist, would take several bottles off the shelf, mix them together and make a medicine. Some of the chemicals he used may have been dangerous and even fatal, but when they were mixed together in the proper amounts, they could heal your body.
Have you ever considered that this is how God works also? He takes all our problems, and our situations, which look so terrible, and He mixes them all together in the melting pot of His love and produces something that is very wonderful - medicine for the soul.
In this great verse, Paul reminds the Roman Christians about the Chemistry of the Cross. This process allows God to take all the circumstances of life, both good and bad, both sweet and bitter, and blend them together into something very wonderful and special. He can take all of life and turn it into a situation that works for our good and for His glory
Bible Reading
Romans 8:28-30.
Prayer: It is indeed wonderful, Father God, that you take all the events in my life, and work them together for my good, and for Your glory. In Jesus name. Amen.