Difficult Questions
Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?
Job 38:4

When tragedy strikes, questions follow. Our loss of a loved one may lead us to ask God any number of pointed questions: “Why did You let this happen?” “Whose fault was this?” “Don’t You care about my pain?”
The book of Job records the questions Job asks as he sat down with friends to lament his suffering. He had lost his family as well as his health and possessions. At one point, he asks, “Why is light given to him who is in misery, and life to the bitter of soul?” (Job 3:20). Later, he asks, “What strength do I have, that I should hope?” (6:11). And, “Does it seem good to You that You should oppress?” (Job 10:3). Many have stood near a headstone placed too early and asked similar questions.
But when you read all the way to the end of the book of Job, you get a surprise. When God responds to Job (chapters. 38–41), He does it in an unexpected way. He turns the tables and asks Job questions; different questions that show His wisdom and sovereignty. Questions about His magnificent creation; the earth, stars, and sea. And the questions all point to this: God is sovereign. God is all-powerful. God is love. And God knows what He is doing: And He knows your sufferings too.
Bible Reading
Job 38:1-11.
Heavenly Father, I am thankful that the greatest comfort in sorrow is to know that You are in control. Thank You, in Jesus Name. Amen.