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16th August 2024

Just For You

But they shouted, saying, “Crucify Him, crucify Him!”


 Luke 23:21

When we read the account of the death of Jesus on the cross, there is always a question that forms in my mind: that question is, Why? Why did Jesus leave Heaven to be born in Bethlehem? Why did the Creator come in the image of the creature, live in poverty, be rejected by those He came to save and then die a cruel death on the cross? Why?

The Lord Jesus Himself answered that question the night before He died. If there had ever been any doubt as to why He came to this world, it was dispelled forever as He and His disciples observed the Passover together in the upper room. Look in Luke 22:19-20. There we find two small, seemingly insignificant words that solve the riddle as to why He came to die. Those words are: "for you". Jesus came for you. Jesus died for you and Jesus rose again for you. That is why He did what He did: just for you!

That is why the King of Glory left Heaven, was born in Bethlehem, lived in poverty, died in shame and agony and arose in victory. He did it just for you! He did all that He did so that you might simply call on Him by faith and be saved by His grace. He did what He did just for you so that you might miss Hell and enter Heaven.

Bible Reading

Luke 23:13-46.


Heaven Father, It is indeed, a wonderful thing to know that the Lord Jesus, did indeed, die on the cross for me. Thank You, in His name. Amen.



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