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16th September 2024

Updated: Sep 16, 2024

Where Salvation Will Take You

Behold, God is my salvation.    

Isaiah 12:2

In Isaiah 12, there is one word that is used 3 times. That word is 'salvation.' It is one of the most important words in all the Bible! In fact, it is used 164 times in the Bible. In the Old Testament, the word comes from a Hebrew word which means, "Deliverance and victory." In the New Testament, it comes from a Greek word that means, "Deliverance, preservation, safety." 

Salvation is what we receive when we trust in Jesus Christ as our Saviour! Salvation is the gift of God! Salvation is not a thing that we will receive some day, it is a present possession of every person who has received the Jesus Christ into their hearts.

If you take the time to study the doctrine of salvation in the Bible, you will find that salvation is responsible for moving people from one place to another; From being lost, to being saved. Salvation always takes you somewhere! Notice this:

1. Salvation brought Israel out of bondage – Ex 14:132. Salvation brought Jonah out of the large fish – Jonah 2:93. Salvation brought David out of the pit – Psalms 40:1-34. Salvation brought Paul out of a lost condition – 1 Tim 1:12-15. Salvation brings every sinner out of darkness – 1 Pet 2:9

I would like to tell you where salvation, if you have it, will take you. Notice four places salvation will take you.

FIRST: It will take you to Heaven (John 14:1-3)

SECOND: It will take you to Holiness ( 2 Corinthians 5:17).

THREE: It will take you into the Harvest (Mark 16:15).

FOUR: It will take you to the House of God (Hebrews 10:25).

Bible Reading

Isaiah 12.


Glorious Father, I thank You for Your unconditional love. Thank You for showing me just how great Your love is by sending Christ to die for me while I still a sinner. Lord God, I thank You for the precious gift of salvation and eternal life through Christ Jesus the Lord. Amen.



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