Jesus: Our Burden Bearer

Surely He has borne our griefs And carried our sorrows;
Yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted.
Isaiah 53:4
Isaiah, chapter 53 stands out in the Old Testament as perhaps the single greatest prophesy of the Lord Jesus Christ and what He would accomplish for sinners.
In this chapter, we learn about His Life (v 1-3), His Death (v 4-9) and His Ultimate Triumph (v 10-12). We are given a glimpse into the heart of God and see that He loves sinners to the degree that He was willing to pay any price for our redemption, and did! We are made to understand that this Jesus who died on Calvary is the very One who embodies the cry of John the Baptist from Jordan's muddy banks, "Behold, the Lamb of God, which takes away the sin of the world" (John 1:29). It is obvious from this chapter that one day, we will reside with the Lord in His Heavenly home (v 10). All this is glorious beyond description, and I am grateful to be saved by the grace of God and bound for the Promised Land. But, I am stuck on this earth! My salvation, though it is an ongoing thing, was accomplished several years age. Heaven is still out there in the future, it is certain, but it is uncertain when I shall be there. I am not taking anything away from these great truths, but I am glad the Lord put that little phrase in the beginning of verse 4. The Bible says, "Surely, He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows..."
Because of this, I do not worry over Hell, because I know I am eternally secure through the precious blood of the Lamb. I do not wonder about if there will be a Heaven for the redeemed, because of Christ's promise that one day He will come and take every child of God to be with Him there in that eternal, glorious city, John 14:1-3. However, today, I do face battles and trials here below, as does every other human being alive. I am just so very grateful to the Lord that He reminds us that the Lord Jesus is our Burden Bearer!
What are your "griefs and sorrows" today? There may not be a thing I can do to help you, but I know Jesus can! What you need to do is bring your burdens to Him and cast them on His strong shoulders. He will lift away your burden and help shoulder the loads He decides to leave in place! You come, and He will meet with you right now.
Bible Reading
Isaiah 53.
Triumphant Father God, Thank You for the Lord Jesus my Saviour, and Burden Bearer. Amen.