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1st December 2022

Call Him Wonderful

And His name will be called Wonderful, . . .

Isaiah 9:6.

As we enter the Christmas month of December, Christians, along with many unsaved people, are thinking about the birth of Jesus Christ. We sing the songs of Christmas and retell the story of His coming into the world. We read the passages from the Bible that speak of His birth, perform Christmas Nativity plays to commemorate His birth, attend special services and give gifts to one another to remind ourselves of the greatest Gift God ever gaven to humanity.

In today's devotional, I want to take one phrase from Isaiah 9:6, and examine the evidence for it: “And His name will be called Wonderful . . ." I want to show you three areas where this verses says the Lord Jesus is Wonderful.

First: HE IS WONDERFUL IN HIS HUMANITY - “A child is born” this brings to mind His humanity. The Lord Jesus may have been born a baby, but He was no ordinary baby! He was flesh, but at the same time, He was God, John 1:1, 14!

Second: HE IS WONDERFUL IN HIS HUMILITY - Son is given” this calls to mind His Deity and His Death. It brings to mind John 3:16. But, the little phrase “is given”, which literally means “to be delivered up”, reminds us that this God-man came into the world for a singular purpose. He came into this world to deliver Himself up as the ransom for sin on the cross of Calvary (Mark 10:45).

Third: HE IS WONDERFUL IN HIS HONOUR - We are told that “the government shall be upon His shoulder”. This phrase encompasses two great truths.

First, this “son that was given”, Who died on the cross, would rise again! And, that is just what He did, Matt. 28:1-6.

No wonder they call Him Wonderful!


Isaiah 9:6-7.


Loving Father, help me remember the birth of Jesus, that I may share in the song of the angels, the gladness of the shepherds, and the worship of the wise men. Amen.



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