
“I Consider your ways!”
Haggai 1:7
Have you ever locked your keys inside your car? Posted an envelope without first putting a stamp on it? Baked a recipe without adding one of the main ingredients?
These are the kinds of things we all do when we do not give careful thought to what we are doing. Careless thinking means we either do something we should not do or fail to do something we should. These wrong actions or irresponsible inactions can be minor inconveniences—or they can have serious, lasting consequences.
You would think the people in Haggai’s day would not have committed careless mistakes. Just 20 years before, they were living in exile in Babylon because they had disobeyed God. Now they were back in Jerusalem, but they were living as if that whole exile episode had never happened.
So through the prophet Haggai, God told them, “Consider your ways!” (Haggai 1:7). Then He told them their mistake: They were living selfish lives of luxury instead of completing God’s temple. Careless thinking had led to wrong decisions and inaction.
God wants us to give careful thought to our actions, words, and relationships, and make decisions that bring glory to Him. Whatever you do today, do not be careless; give it careful thought.
Bible Reading
Haggai 1.
Mighty Lord God, Help me not to be careless, but in all things to be vigilant, diligent and of careful thought. Amen.