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22nd January 2024


 Do not let sin reign in your mortal body, that you should obey it in its lusts.

Romans 6:12

Gardening can be a struggle, whether it be pulling weeds from the lawn, ivy from a wall or digging up dandelions, it is often difficult to overcome God’s curse in the Garden of Eden (Gen 3:17-18).

When the ground is hard and dry, weeds are highly resistant to being uprooted. But when a soaking rain softens the soil, they yield quite readily. I have also noticed that the youngest weeds are easier to remove and the older ones are more stubborn. Bad habits are like that. The longer they remain, the more difficult they are to remove. If we uproot them early, when our heart is tender toward God’s love, we will have the best chance for success.

The apostle Paul tells us of God’s great love and abundant grace to us (Rom 5:20-21). These truths can soften the soil of a hard heart. And when we understand that Jesus died to free us from the penalty and the power of sin (Rom 6:1-14), we will see the need to fight aggressively against sinful habits.

A passive faith will not kill a bad habit. Faith must actively apply these truths. “Weeding the garden” is often a painful process of multi-failures followed by the success of failing for the last time. A bad habit is like a soft chair—easy to get into but hard to get out of. 

Do you have some weeds that need pulling?

Bible Reading

Romans 6:1-14.


Gracious Lord God, help me to weed out any stubborn sin in my life. In Christ's name, I pray. Amen.



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