A Fishy Story
Salvation belongs to the Lord.
Psalm 3:8
That “salvation comes from the Lord” (Jonah 2:9) is a major theme which can be traced throughout Scripture. The word translated “salvation” (or “deliverance”) meaning “to save,” “to deliver.” In the Old Testament, God rescued His people from dangers posed by individuals, nations, or other unfavourable circumstances that threatened their well-being or existence. Exodus 14:30 highlights God’s deliverance from Egypt: “The Lord saved Israel that day from the hands of the Egyptians.”
The salvation theme of Jonah 2:9 is similarly stated in Psalm 3:8: “Salvation belongs to the Lord.” The name “Joshua” (which means “the Lord saves”) is the Hebrew form of the Greek word that’s translated “Jesus” (see Matthew 1:21). Indeed, the testimony of all Scripture is that “Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb” (Revelation 7:10).
In day's Bible passage from Jonah 2, Jonah was swallowed by “a large fish” (Jonah 1:17), and he stayed in its belly for three days before being vomited onto land (1:17; 2:10). Jonah was swallowed because he hated Israel’s enemies and did not want them to repent. When God told Jonah to preach in Nineveh, he caught a boat going the other way. So God sent a whale-sized fish to get his attention.
One can appreciate why Jonah hated the Assyrians. They had harassed Israel in the past, and within fifty years they would carry the northern tribes into captivity, where they would vanish forever. Jonah was understandably offended that Assyria might be forgiven.
But Jonah was more loyal to the people of God than to the God of all people. God loved Israel’s enemies and wanted to save them. He loves our enemies and wants to save them. With the wind of the Spirit at our backs, let us sail towards them with the Good-News of the Lord Jesus.
Bible Reading
Jonah 2:1–10.
Dear Jesus, please show me how to love my enemies as You love them. In Your name I pray. Amen.