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24th August 2024

The Rainbow

I set My rainbow in the cloud,

and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth.


Genesis 9:13

When we come to the account of Noah, the Ark and the worldwide flood, there are many who refuse to believe that it is true. But it is! I choose to believe it just like it is written in the Bible. There are many lessons that can be learned from this biblical story. We know that the Ark (typology), is a type, a shadow, a picture of the Lord Jesus in the Old Testament. In Genesis 6, we see the Lord Jesus and His plan of salvation for fallen man; just as everything in the are was saved, so the Lord Jesus saves all that come to Him.

But, have you ever noticed that the rainbow is also full of typology, and is also a picture of the Lord in the Old Testament.

After the flood, God put a rainbow in the sky for Noah and his family. The Rainbow is a Picture of the Lord Jesus. The colours from the bottom to the top are:

1.Purple - Royalty – “He is the King of Kings”(1 Timothy 6:15)

2.Blue - Heaven - He came from Heaven (John 3:13)

3.Green - New Life - He gives life (John 14:6)

4.Yellow - Sun Light - He is the light of the world (John 8:12)

5.Orange - Warning - Repent!, "You must be born again." (John 3:3, 7)

6.Red - Blood - The only way to God! (1 Peter 1:18-19; Rev. 1:5)

All the colours of the spectrum, even colours the eye cannot see, are contained in the rainbow; and the Lord Jesus colours all life with His great glory! When we look up, we must first see Him as the King of Glory! Furthermore, When we are under the rainbow, we are shielded by the Blood - (High Priest - Heb 9:7, 12).

The Lord Jesus is indeed our blessed rainbow. Friend, are you under the rainbow today?

Bible Reading

Genesis 9:12-17.


Father God, The rainbow is indeed a very beautiful picture of the Lord Jesus, the plan of salvation, and His wonderful work on the cross for me. I thank You for it, in Christ name. Amen.



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