
Jesus said to them, “Take heed and beware of covetousness,
for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses.”
Luke 21:15
It is not wrong for anyone to possess riches, as long as those riches have been earned honestly, and the Lord's work and the poor are remembered. But the Bible warns that money cannot buy happiness! Money cannot buy true pleasure. Money cannot buy peace of heart. And money certainly cannot buy entrance into the Kingdom of God. Often money is a hindrance to these things. Money takes our minds off God. Riches, when used selfishly rather than for the glory of God, tend to become corrupt in our hands. Money cannot be a substitute for God. If God has given you more wealth than your neighbours, dedicate it to Christ. Realise that you are only a steward of that which God has given you, and some day you will have to give an account of every penny you have spent. The Tax authority wants a record of how you have spent your money, but that is nothing compared to the books God is keeping.
Bible Reading
Luke 12:13-21.
Gracious Lord God, I Thank You for all Your many blessings with which You have filled my life. Help me to be a faithful steward and to share Your blessings by being generous with us. In Christ name I prayer. Amen.