Victory Over Death
O Death, where is your sting?
1 Corinthians 15:55
Death is the most democratic experience in life, for we all participate in it. We think of it happening only to other people. We do not like to grow old, and most people do not want to die. The Bible teaches that death is an enemy of man and God. But it also teaches that this enemy, death, will ultimately be destroyed forever; that in fact it has already been defeated at the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Death, for a Christian, brings permanent freedom from evil. It also means the believer will be like Jesus. We shall be like Christ in love. So much of self is involved in what we do here; but one day, in Christ, we will have perfect love. What a glorious time it will be when we get to heaven!
Bible Reading
1 Corinthians 15:50-58.
Father, the victory over death of Your Son, comforts my heart and fills me with hope. Thank You, In Jesus name. Amen.