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28th March 2024

Famous Last Words

Oh, how they are brought to desolation, as in a moment!

Psalm 73:19

No tragedy can compare with the death of a person who has rejected Christ. To die without knowing Jesus as Saviour is to face the saddest fate possible: a hopeless eternity, a place the Bible calls Hell.

Even the most successful people—no matter what great and admirable things they have accomplished—forfeit all of life’s goodness if they die without having trusted on Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour.

Walter A. Maier, a renowned preacher of the first half of the 20th century, gave two examples of well-known people who came to life’s end and uttered what amount to famous “last” words. Maier said that Jay Gould, a multimillionaire, lamented on his deathbed, “I am the most miserable man on earth.” Maier also cited the French thinker Voltaire, who cried out, “I wish I had never been born.”

What will mark the end of your life? Peace or despair? You can rejoice in God’s forgiveness. You can have the assurance that death will not separate you from God’s love (Roms 8:38-39) but will bring you into His presence.

That can happen if you put your faith in Christ, trusting that because of His death, burial, and resurrection your sins are forgiven. Your last words can then be triumphant as you look forward to eternity with Christ.

Bible Reading

Romans 8:18-25.


Great God of wonders and of grace, thank you, that there is forgiveness, salvation and eternal life for all who put their trust in Your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.



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