Solomon's Prayer

Oh, worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness! Tremble before Him, all the earth.
Psalm 96:9
Solomon's Prayer of Dedication for the Temple, found in 1 Kings 8 and 2 Chronicles 6, is a heartfelt plea for God's continued presence, blessing, and mercy upon Israel, as he consecrates the newly built Temple in Jerusalem as a place for God's name to dwell and for His people to seek forgiveness and guidance.
Solomon stood before the altar of the LORD and prayed on behalf of all God's people. He knelt on the platform and stretched his hands towards heaven. His prayer began with praise and adoration as he declared that there is no one like our God. Our God is faithful to His covenant of love, and He keeps all His promises. Solomon's first petition was for God to fulfil His promise to continue the lineage of David forever (12-17) Jesus, our Saviour and King, is the answer to this prayer.
The temple was a special place (18-21). Although it could never contain an infinite God, prayer towards the temple was prayer committed in the name of the Lord. Solomon asked that God would hear the supplications of the king and all God's people when they prayed toward the temple and grant them forgiveness. Forgiveness removes all the barriers between a loving God and His people. It is our greatest need-a need that can only be met by His wonderful grace.
Bible Reading
2 Chronicles 6:12-21.
Lord, thank you for those You have called to be Minsters, Pastors and Preachers. May Your Church, forever, worship You in Truth and Spirit, and in the beauty of holiness. In Christ's name. Amen.