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3rd May 2024

Friendship With God

And the Scripture was fulfilled which says, 'Abraham believed God,

and it was accounted to him for righteousness.

And he was called the friend of God.'

 James 2:23

Many years ago a man received a message from God, and God adopted him as His own, and this man became friends with God (Isaiah 41:8 James 2:23). Later God gave him the name Abraham, which means “father of many” (Gen 17:4). But Abraham had no children. Then God promised to bless Abraham with many children, and somehow, in some way, through Abraham’s family, God would bless all the peoples of the earth (Gen 12:3).

Through the years, God stayed true to His promises to bless the world’s peoples through Abraham, even though Abraham’s descendants were quite dysfunctional. But God surprised everyone by keeping His promises through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, a descendant of Abraham. Jesus Christ was and is, the Saviour, the Messiah not only for God’s adopted people but also for all people the world over.

Today, by faith, by trusting in the Lord Jesus, people from all nations, tribes, and languages can be adopted into God’s family, and know that they are saved for all eternity.

Bible Reading

Genesis 12:1-3.


Father, thank You for accepting me, and adopting me into Your family; and this not because of any good thing found in me, but because of the Messiah Jesus and His work on the cross. I praise and bless You for Him. Amen.



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