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5th June 2023


(Naaman's) flesh was restored like the flesh of a little child.

2 Kings 5:14

We have all noticed how infants, have almost perfect skin. Their flesh is soft, and tender, they have no dry elbows or rough patches on their feet. Smooth and new.

As a mighty warrior and the commander of the Syrian army, Naaman may have had scuffed skin and battle scars, but he also had a serious skin disease—leprosy. When a servant suggested that the prophet Elisha could heal him, Naaman visited him. He followed Elisha’s instructions, and his diseased flesh became “like the flesh of a little child” (2 Kings 5:14). This cure left Naaman better off both physically and spiritually. After being healed, he proclaimed, “Now I know that there is no God in all the earth, except in Israel” (v15). Through this miraculous experience, Naaman learned that there is only one true God, the God of Israel.

Like Naaman, we too can learn important lessons about God as a result of our life experiences. Receiving a blessing may show us about His mercy and goodness (Matt 7:11). Surviving or enduring a trial may help us see God’s sufficiency and care. Growing in knowledge of Him (2 Peter 3:18) will always leave us better off spiritually than we were before.

Bible Reading

2 Kings 5:1-15.


Father, help me to learn more about You as I travel through this world. Let this knowledge inspire fresh praise in my heart and a desire to become more like You. In Christ's name I ask. Amen.



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