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6th August 2024

Three F's

And he (Abram) believed in the Lord, and He accounted it to him for righteousness.

Genesis 15:6

In today's Bible reading, Abram hears the "word of the LORD" and it changed his life. In Abram's day, he was just one insignificant person among millions of other people, but God had a special plan for his life. To God, Abram was of supreme importance. In Genesis 15, Abram receives a word from the Lord concerning his Fear, his Future and his Faith. What he heard changed his whole life forever. He received a word from the Lord and it revolutionised his life in thee ways.

FEAR: Abram had just returned from a great military victory (Gen 14). During the course of the campaign, he had made a bitter enemy in king Chedorlaomer. This king was mighty enough to come against Sodom and the cities of the plain, surely Abram felt that he too was in danger of attack from this king from the East. But God had a word to comfort him in his fear. God tells Abram (v 1) “Fear not.” This is the first time the phrase "fear not" is used in the Bible. But, thank God, it was not the last! Men may encourage us to walk in peace and fear not, but their words are empty and without power. However, when the Lord comes by and speaks peace to your heart, fear must take flight!

FUTURE: In these verse, Abram is concerned and burdened about all the promises he has received. His questions are not of doubt, but they are honest questions. Abram knew where to take his burden and, as a result, he received the answers he sought! In verse 5, the Bible says, Then He brought him outside and said, “Look now toward heaven, and count the stars if you are able to number them.” And He said to him, “So shall your descendants be. God's answer brought hope to the old Abram's heart once again.

FAITH: Notice v 6: "And he (Abram) believed in the Lord." This is one of the simplest, yet greatest verses in all the Bible. It tells us all about Abram's faith. The little word "in" tells us everything. Abram has moved beyond hearing the Word of the Lord and believing the promises of God into the realm of casting himself totally in faith upon the Lord Himself.

What it teaches us about his faith should be true about our own faith too.

Bible Reading

Genesis 15:1-6.


Dear Father, and promise keeper, Thank you that Abraham's faith is held up for us to see in Your Word. Help me to trust in your promises with a faith as great as Abraham's. In the name of Jesus I offer myself and my faith to you. Amen.



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