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7th January 2023

Sodom and Gomorrah

But the men of Sodom were exceedingly wicked and sinful against the Lord.

Genesis 13:13

The people of Sodom had a false sense of security. They had obtained all the military power and economic strength; they also had sinful pleasure. They had become obsessed with fun and leisure; they were too busy for God. Furthermore, they were filled with idolatry, exchanging the truth for a lie; And worse, man began to worship himself.

Today’s culture has become much the same. In Proverbs 14:12, the Bible says: There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end is death. People can be laughing on the outside while their hearts and souls are empty, sorrowful, worried, and concerned, because something is missing in their lives.

History shows us that one of the directions an affluent nation takes before judgement comes is sexual perversion. Pornography is all over the internet. People can pull it up on their computers, and they do. You do not have to leave your room of recreation; it’s all there, on television, in the films, and in the music of today.

The people of Sodom ran after the same perversion. But there was at least one man, Abraham’s nephew Lot, though living in this wicked environment was unhappy and miserable. He had one foot in the kingdom of God and one foot in the world, but instead of influencing the culture of his city, Lot was influenced by the culture of his city.

Many have a Christian heritage but are living the same way. Something is missing. Christians must not let the world push them into its mould. People will say, “Well that will never happen to me,” but the Lord Jesus when talking about Sodom said, “Remember Lot’s wife” (Luke 17:32). We are to “look to God and be saved” (Isaiah 45:22).


Genesis 13.


Heavenly Father, Help me each day to seek You, and to serve You. Through Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

1 comment

1 comentário

07 de jan. de 2023

Very relevant for the days we are in. May God keep us.

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