Stress and Worry
Cast your burden on the Lord, And He shall sustain you.
Psalm 55:22

A man worried constantly about everything. Then one day his friends heard him whistling happily and looking noticeably relaxed. “What happened?” they asked him in astonishment.
He said, “I’am paying a man to do my worrying for me.”
“How much do you pay him?” they asked.
“Two thousand pounds a week,” he replied.
“Wow! How can you afford that?”
“I can’t,” he said, “but that is his worry.”
Sadly, this humorous way to handle stress does not work in real life, as God’s children we can turn our worries over to Someone who has everything perfectly under control even especially, when we feel it is not.
The prophet Isaiah reminds us that God brings out the stars and calls them all by name (40:25-26). Because of “His great power and mighty strength” not one of them is missing
(v 26). And just as God knows the stars by name, He knows us individually and personally. We are each under His watchful care (v 27).
If we are inclined to worry, we can turn that worry over to the Lord. He is never too weary or too tired to pay attention to us. He has all wisdom and all power, and He loves to use it on our behalf. The Holy One who directs the stars has His loving arms around us.
Isaiah 40:25-31.
Dear Lord God, help me to cast all my cares on You, knowing that You care for me. Amen.
Psalm 55:22 KJV
Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer r the righteous to be moved.
I pray the Lord will help me to stand on this verse PTL