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9th September 2024

The Answer

Jesus said; “For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts.”

Matthew 15:19

It used to be the case, years ago, that children were delighted at the prospect of a ride in a car, or a trip by train. Today, they are blasé about helicopters and jet planes. Once people marvelled at the telephone, radio and the miracle of television. Not so long ago many of the physical diseases were termed hopeless and incurable. Today we have drugs so effective that age-old diseases are becoming rare. We have accomplished much, of that there is no doubt. But with all this progress, we have not solved the basic problem of the human race. We can build the highest buildings, the fastest ships, the longest bridges, but we still cannot govern ourselves, or live together peacefully and with equality. Why is this?

The problem is that the whole human race has an illness of the heart; heart disease! In Matthew 15:19, the Lord Jesus said that the problem comes from the heart, and the root of that problem goes back to the Garden of Eden and Adam and Eve. They rebelled against God, and thought they could do better for themselves than God was prepared to do for them. The Bible calls this rebellion – Sin: And the whole human race, everyone of us (Romans 3:23, Ecclesiastics 7:20) is infected with this disease called – Sin.

The good news is that God has provided a remedy, and that remedy is His Son Jesus Christ, and His work on the cross for lost sinners; that's you and me.

If you are a believer, give thanks to God today and every day for His Son and His work on the cross. If today, you have never before asked Christ into your life, then today would be a good day to do just that. By a simple act of faith, invite Christ into your life.

Bible Reading

Matthew 15:10-20.


Father God, help me to live the Christian life, honouring You in all that I do, think and say. In Jesus precious name, I pray. Amen.



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