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An Unpopular Word

Then he cried out and said, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me.

Luke 16:24

The word 'Hell' is not a very popular word, even in some churches they never hear the word Hell. Hell has been cloaked in folklore and disguised in fiction for so long that many people have convinced themselves that Hell is a fairytale. The information highway has created discussion boards with no end. One blog took on the subject of Heaven and Hell. As people weighed in, the discussion became a vicious cycle. Finally, one contributor typed in, “Could someone please explain how to avoid Hell?”

The Bible describes Hell as a place of: death, destruction, the pit, hopelessness, everlasting misery, literally loveless, and much more, but every word used is a word that describes totally misery and torture of the mind.

Many do not believe the Bible’s description of hellfire and brimstone. The Lord Jesus spoke more about Hell than Heaven. Why? Because of His great compassion for souls. He gave His life to spare the human race the agony, torment, and gruesome reality that Hell is reserved for those who reject Christ. Why would anyone choose this road to Hell?

Books and articles have been written denying the doctrine of Hell. Some have been bestsellers because they teach views of Hell and Biblical descriptions as symbolism. Such misleading teachings make people feel more comfortable and take the worry out of what happens after death. But such people will never be able to hold the writers accountable for pointing them down the wrong road when they arrive in the very real destination the Bible describes.

Thankfully, we can avoid Hell but only on this side of life, not in the afterlife. Oh, that people would come to Christ and realize the hope of Heaven.

Bible Reading

Luke 16:19-31.


Holy Father God, Thank You that You have saved me from the consequences of my sins, which would surely take me to hell. Thank You for my Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Amen.

The Redeemer's Biography

. . . The Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.

Matthew 8:20

No one can match the biography of Jesus Christ. He was born of a virgin and lived a sinless life. He shed His blood to purchase lost souls. He died on a cross and rose from the dead. He was so poor, He said of Himself that He had nowhere to lay His head. His only wallet was the mouth of a fish. He rode on another man’s beast. He cruised the lake in another man’s boat. He was buried in another man’s grave.

The Lord Jesus never founded a college to perpetuate His doctrines; yet His teachings have endured for over 2,000 years, and all the words that have been written about Him would fill thousands of libraries. He never studied medicine, yet He healed the sick. And the world still rejected Him.

Today even the calendar speaks of His death. Why is the calendar not dated from Mohammed’s flight, or from Buddha’s birth? Because Jesus Christ is the only One who has ever died for mankind. But He did not remain dead; He was raised to life and the power of His resurrection changed the world forever! Life for many people has lost its purpose and meaning. People are bored and fed up; they have no zest for living. But if anyone would submit to Jesus Christ, He will make them new. He will redeem what has been lost and will revive those who have no hope. The power of Christ’s resurrection saves and redeems. Jesus the Saviour is the only way to life everlasting (John 14:6).

Bible Reading

Matthew 8:18-22.


Thank You, Father God, for the Lord Jesus. Thank You, that He has saved me and changed my life. Help me each day to faithfully follow Him, in the Spirit by faith. Amen.

Stubborn Unbelief

He is patient . . .

1 Peter 3:9

God welcomes anyone—absolutely anyone—who sincerely turns to Him in repentance and faith, even at the last minute. The Bible says, “He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9). 

When the Lord Jesus was crucified, two criminals were executed with Him. They only had hours to live, and soon they would enter eternity and face God’s judgement. But in spite of that, one of them continued to mock Jesus and wanted nothing to do with Him; he refused to turn from his stubborn unbelief. But the other man turned in faith to the Lord, asking Jesus to save him and grant him eternal life—and Jesus did. He declared, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise” (Luke 23:43). 

But God cannot save someone who refuses to be saved—and when a person repeatedly turns their back on Christ, their heart grows more and more hardened toward God. As a result, it becomes easier and easier for them to resist God’s call, and—like that unrepentant criminal on the cross—they are in danger of refusing to turn from their stubborn unbelief. 

Only God can change such hearts, and only God can break through the barrier of unbelief. If someone you know is in stubborn unbelief, pray for them, that God will break through those barriers and draw them to His Son, Jesus Christ. Pray to that God will help you be an example to them of the hope and new life we have because of Christ.

Bible Reading

2 Peter 3:8-13.


Lord Almighty, I pray this day for those that do not know the Lord Jesus, and I ask that You break whatever it is that has control over their heart that takes them away from knowing You. Help me to live for You and to share my faith with others. In Jesus name I prayer. Amen.

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